Web Design Tips for Navigation Tools

In web design, consider the visuals when you
include the navigation tools that take visitors
from page to page. When designing web page
navigation tools, you need to make them
attractive as well as functional. These tips can
help you do that:
Differentiate the visual design of non-
clickable and clickable elements. For
example, don’t use the same graphic as a
button on one page and a headline on
another. Or, don’t underline headlines and
color them like links if they are just
Use visual design and feedback to enhance
interaction and usability. For example, you
can change an item’s color, size, or shape
upon rollover. (The following image shows
how a color change would look.)
Always place navigation in the same
location on the page and don’t change its
Always label icons. Illustrations by
themselves are not always clear as to their