Nintendo to Double Switch Production From 8 to 16 Million

Earlier this week, we reported that the Nintendo Switch has sold approximately 1.5 million units worldwide. According to Nintendo, it is the fastest selling Nintendo system in the Americas and Europe. The handheld/console hybrid is a success. Due to the device’s impressive sales numbers, Nintendo is now planning to ramp up production from 8 million units to 16 million,according to the Wall Street Journal.
In that same report, it is stated that Nintendo plans to ship 2.5 million Switch units by the end of March. Originally, the company was only going to ship 2 million this month. There have already been reports of shortages, so shipping half a million more consoles should hopefully help.
The Wall Street Journal report doesn’t provide more information on this and Nintendo has yet to make an official announcement on how many Switch consoles it has sold. The sales numbers come to us via SuperData, and not Nintendo directly. You would assume that, given the circumstances, Nintendo would be boasting about how many Switch units it has sold.