Talking the Talk in Poker

The colorful quotations you hear in poker can be
based on real events or just made up from long ago.
Here is a list of some popular quotations along with
an explanation of what a person really means when
he uses the quote.
Phrase Translation
"I'd rather be
lucky than
Typically said by a player who is
neither lucky nor good. This
player often believes that he
should play more hands than
reasonable and that he can get on
a lucky streak by doing so. In the
long haul, when all the luck is
bled out of the equation, it's skill
that separates winning players
from losing players.
"You've got
to know
when to hold
'em, know
when to fold
Typically said by a Kenny Rogers
fan or someone who has no clue
as to whether he should continue
playing the hand or fold.
what a bad
This refers to when a player loses
a hand where, mathematically, she
was a big favorite. Most players
have a bad beat story.
"If you can't
spot the fish
at the poker
table, then
it's you."
This refers to the fact that, if you
can't read players or their abilities
very well, you will probably be the
sucker at the table.
"Hey Joe,
bring us a
live one."
Often said by a player at a card
club, asking for a new sucker
player to be brought to the table.
"I'm down a
I'm down a lot.
"Boy, he is a
tight player."
Boy, is he anal-retentive and
"Read 'em
and weep."
Look at my big hand that beats all
of your puny hands, suckers.
"I was
drawing to a
double belly
This is a draw to two different
straights, such as 3-5-6-7-9. A
single belly buster is drawing to
an inside straight.
things can't
get any
Usually said by a poker player
who has gone on a losing streak,
and the streak is about to get
but cut the
Means trust no one, and cut the
cards as a way to try to prevent
"Any two will
Refers to the concept that any
two cards in Hold'em can
theoretically win the hand. Used
as a justification to play truly
wretched starting cards. However,
we all know that good starting
hands are the key to winning at
poker in the long run.
Source :dummies