The rumor mill was a little hush hush again this week, but there was plenty of Star Wars news to keep us going, nonetheless. Let’s get into it!
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Not really a rumor, per say, this is still a really cool making of fact from theRogue One set. X-wing flight scenes in Rogue One have been taken to a whole new level by placing the fighters on a gimble and filming them against a gigantic screen.
The giant screens project the environment around the ship in an almost 360 degree setup. That’s pretty cool! A similar technique was used in the filmOblivion to create a realistic environment for the sky platform.

Star Wars: Episode VIII
Famed Star Wars composer John Williams was recently honored with the AFI lifetime achievement award and was interviewed by Variety about his legacy and future plans. As far as Williams is concerned he will score Star Wars: Episode VIII.
He plans to begin work on Spielberg’s next film, “Ready Player One,” in November, and then next year expects to do the next “Star Wars” film. “If I can do it, I certainly will. I told Kathy Kennedy I’m happy to do it, but the real reason is, I didn’t want anybody else writing music for Daisy Ridley,” he quips.
It’s clear he definitely wants to do more Star Wars, but he has cleverly left himself an out if he decides that he can’t, or doesn’t want to do it.
With the other recent news that Williams is also planning to do Indy 5 with Spielberg, I’m of the camp that there’s no way he’s not going to be involved in scoring both Star Wars: Episode VIII and IX as much as he possibly can. Williams clearly loves his work and I will be happy to see him composing for many years to come.

As a follow-up to last week’s Rey parentage rumor, Mr_Ghostface_Lives has now apparently reassessed what he knows and says it’s still possible Luke is Rey’s father. Well then. It appears Mr_Ghostface_Lives was able to read some small, out of context bits from the first half of the script (or perhaps an early draft) and he says at least there is nothing about Luke and Rey being family at that point. We all could have probably guessed that. You can read his fullcomments here where he also reconfirms what he said last week about Leia.

Star Wars Gaming
E3 has been happening this past week and the gaming conference gave us a flood a information about EA’s upcoming Star Wars releases. They are going toflood the market with Star Wars games, but what’s really interesting is that we got a tiny glimpse at Amy Henning and Visceral’s as yet unnamed new game:

Details on the game are still incredibly sparse. We only know it’s an action game with new characters, but it looks to be set in a familiar era and the graphics are beautiful. Rumor has it the release of this game may coincide with the young Han Solo spin-off film and could introduce us to characters from that movie or even feature a small cameo from Han or Boba Fett. Interesting.
Disney Parks
For a while now we’ve been hearing rumors of interactive droids roaming in the Star Wars areas in Disney Parks. Disney is testing out some elements of the future Star Wars Experience, and these droids are the next feature spotted by park goers. The droid is called Jake and YouTuber DAPs Magic got some awesome video: